Karma is the psychological impulse that is behind the action. We carry a
mental picture from which feelings, subtle and not so subtle emotions,
and so motivating forces arise! This tension is Karma. When your mind is
perfectly calm, there is not Karma.
In Buddhism terms, Karma or emotion, is considered as unskillful. All
emotion, feelings of love or hate, any outward physical or verbal
display, is unskillful behavior, i.e.bad Karma.
Control of emotions is considered as skilful, competent, good, and which
brings skilful behavior, happiness, harmony, and progress along the
path. i.e. good Karma.
The behavior of a person is an expression of his dispositions.
Karma is not the result of emotion or action, vipaka is the result.
The Law of karma:
Good karma produces good effects and bad Karma produces bad effects due
to its own natural law.
There is a Karmic force or momentum of habit to continue on to do good
(or bad) actions – thieves get caught eventually!
The law of Karma is not a law of reward or punishment or one that
establishes so-called moral justice as this idea comes from the concept
that there is a “Supreme being” a God who sits in judgment, who is it
law giver and decides what is right and wrong
It is a Re-birth of energy or activity called “Parson” and not a
reincarnation of an entity called ‘Soul’